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Christ Lives in me; ALL things are done through him!

Updated: Aug 23

Every test and trial are a chance for us to acknowledge the Lord as our redeemer, our way maker (Galatians 2:20).

Become inside minded, remember who Christ is and what he has taught you in and through the word. We must keep our mind clean so that when we look within ourselves for answers, it would really be us looking into the mind of Christ for answers.


Let the Lord plant a garden into your, your Soul (mind). When you go into your thoughts, for answers (the garden of your

mind) for answers. The answers will be in good seed because what was sown was also good. When reaping season comes for you to sow into someone else from your garden, your mind, all seeds sown will be good. Seeds from God, seeds from Love!




Refreshing to the soul. I needed this right now. Thank you for sharing


Shanevia Smith
Shanevia Smith

Amen, This So Refreshing To The Soul

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